Bushel Bags to Cubic Feet Calculator

Calculate Cubic Feet from Bushel Bags


The formula to calculate the cubic feet is:

\[ C = B \times 1.5 \]



The cubic feet is calculated by converting the number of bushel bags using the conversion factor.

Example Calculation

Let's assume the following value:

Using the formula:

\[ C = 4 \times 1.5 \]


\[ C = 6 \text{ cubic feet} \]

The cubic feet is 6.

Conversion Chart

Number of Bushel Bags Cubic Feet
1 1.500000000000
2 3.000000000000
3 4.500000000000
4 6.000000000000
5 7.500000000000
6 9.000000000000
7 10.500000000000
8 12.000000000000
9 13.500000000000
10 15.000000000000